New “Thought for the Day” Source in 2012

I hope this note finds you having a wonderfully blessed day!  I started posting a thought for the day by email several years ago mainly for myself and my wife, Tara, to have consistent daily reminders of Godly principles during our busy days.  That email list grew to include several people over time and then I decided to use WordPress as a medium instead, as it can post to both Facebook and Twitter effortlessly as well as allow individuals to subscribe to emails whenever I post.

I have used Max Lucado as a source author over the past several years, but this year I want to change direction and push into what I consider deeper thought.  To that end, 2012 will be using “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers as the source material.  You can continue to view daily posts via Facebook and Twitter, or you can go directly to my blog and subscribe to receive them via email.

I am looking forward to 2012 and hope that my understanding, commitment, and desire for Jesus Christ deepens over the coming year.  I wish the same for you as well!

